Weekly Spiritual Tonic

I declare in the name of the Sovereign Lord, the One who rules with a mighty arm and whose power knows no limits: I will no longer be governed by tyranny. Exploitation in any form ceases in my life. The chains of oppression that bind me and my loved ones are broken forever. From now on, I take my place close to the heart of the Almighty, and I will receive His extraordinary care and nurture. I seal these declarations with the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Weekly Collect
Prayers meant to gather the intentions of the people and the focus of worship into a succinct prayer.
Bible Study
Lets sit down and discuss the messages and instructions in the bible to guide us.
Soul Food
“Read the Bible not to gather information or hammer out the contours of theology, but to hunt for food for your soul.” – David Mathis