Weekly Spiritual Tonic

This week and all my days, I choose not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor will I stand in the path of sinners! With the Spirit of discernment guiding me, I will turn away from every deceptive counsel and misleading advice. No negative influence will prevail against me. Every temptation toward sin, compromise, or distraction will have no power over me. The fire of the Holy Spirit will protect me from every subtle trap of the enemy. The Lord will empower me to stand strong in righteousness. Every decision I make will reflect God’s will, leading me to divine success. My heart will find joy in living according to God’s ways. My steps will be directed toward peace, progress, and prosperity. Thank You, my Father and God. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Weekly Collect
Prayers meant to gather the intentions of the people and the focus of worship into a succinct prayer.
Bible Study
Lets sit down and discuss the messages and instructions in the bible to guide us.
Soul Food
“Read the Bible not to gather information or hammer out the contours of theology, but to hunt for food for your soul.” – David Mathis