Online Payment Portal

Check your sustentation status below:


You can now pay for your Tithes, Sustentation, Offerings and other payments, to the Cathedral, from the comfort of your homes of offices.


Please note that all transactions are done in a secure environment. And also note that your details are not stored in any way by the Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina, Lagos.


Simply go to any of the various sections relating to your payment, fill out the forms and proceed with your payment.


You can make any enquiry to:


or call any of the numbers listed below:


+234 (01) 270 4143, +234 (01) 271 2844,
+234 (01) 271 2845, +234 (01) 271 2847,
+234 (01) 271 2855, +234 (01) 473 6573.

Select Specific Purpose for Payment: