There are various events for the children during the course of the year. These events are tailored to guide them in the christian way as well as keep them busy and of course, let them have fun.
Some of the events include:
Rededication Service:
This kicks off the programme for the year on a fixed date and holds in churches in rotation. This is for Sunday School Teachers.
Rededication Service (Parish):
The Sunday School Children worship at the main church during 9:15a.m. Mattins as scheduled. There is altar call and they are blessed.
Talent Hunt Workshop:
Skill acquisitions are taught. The host church determines what to be taught e.g. confectionaries, bead and soap making etc. It’s a day programme for ages 10 years and above with limited numbers from each archdeaconry.
Mothering Sunday Celebration (Parish):
Children conduct the 9:15a.m. Mattins. Fresh flowers and gifts are given to mothers.
Father’s Day Celebration (Parish):
Children worship in the main church at 9:15a.m. Mattins. Gifts are givens to fathers.
Art and Craft day (Parish):
Skill acquisitions taught at Talent Hunt Workshop (item 3 above) are demonstrated to the enlarge group of Sunday School Children.
Stomp Day (Parish):
Its a fun day for the children, sporting activities, games etc take place and prizes are given to winners. Food and drinks supplied.
Sunday School Holiday Camp:
For ages 8 – 14 years takes place at Faith Plaza, Bariga and its residential for 3 nights from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday morning. Activities include daily devotion, lectures on the theme for the camp, Bible study, drama night, Director’s hour and recreational periods. It is a good avenue for the children to interact with children from other churches.
Children’s Treat/ Harvest (Parish):
The treat precedes the Harvest. Children are treated to lots of fun and goodies. At the Harvest Service, the two Bible Lessons are read by the children. Thereafter, bazaar is held and the children are entertained.
Variety Day/ Bishop Day for Sunday School (Diocesan):
It’s a fun day for all Sunday School Children. It is hosted yearly by churches in rotation. Provision of games items e.g. trampoline, bouncing castle, slide etc. are on ground. Prizes are given to those who participated in sports. Food and drinks are supplied by the hosting church. The Bishop is in attendance to address the children and answer questions.
Diocesan Bible Quiz Competition:
All the Archdeaconries in Lagos are expected to participate. There are two categories – Junior and Senior. Trophies are given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Archdeaconries that win the Bible quiz. Cash prizes are given to participants per Archdeaconry. Questions are based on the Sunday School syllabus and Anglicanism.
Diocesan End of Year Thanksgiving Service:
It is held in churches in rotation and the host church supplies food and drinks.
Children’s Church Christmas Service/ Party (Parish):
The Provost or a Priest conducts the Service. Prizes are given to children that excel in various classes. Gifts, food, drinks, Christmas cake and goodies are given to all the children in attendance. This event closes the Sunday School year.