Cathedral Clinic


The cathedral medical clinic was established on the 19th of February 1987 by the former provost the Very Rev. Sope Johnson. Twenty nine volunteer members that include Rev (Dr.) E.A.B Adenuga came together to form the Medical society which was inaugurated on the 5th April 1988. Membership later increased to 100.


The chosen motto was “Evangelism through Health Services” and colour was white and green. The pioneer chairman was late Dr. Mrs. Jumoke Aromasodu with Mrs Doyin Otunyalo, as Secretary and chief Byo Ogunyemu the clinic Warden.

The church, individuals, societies and organizations donate funds, drugs, equipment and other relevant items for use at the clinic and at outreaches.

Dr. Adeyemi Ademola who championed the formation of church clinic in the Lagos diocese was honoured  after his death with a trophy procured in his name by the Lagos Diocesan Medical Commission for the clinic in the diocese to compete for annually. The Cathedral Clinic won the 1st D R. Adeyemi Ademola clinic competition in 1994 and so many times successively as “The Best –Run Clinic” in Lagos Diocese that she has been exempted from further competitions to allow other clinics to win the trophy and subsequently compensated with the “Victor Lodorum” - a shield for winner of winners.


Episcopal Activities

The Society provides medical coverage at Synods, Bishop’s Conferences, and other church and diocesan activities like Carnivals, Crusades, Music Extravaganza, and fund Raising.  Members are also included in the Medical Team of the Archbishop’s entourage. They hold key positions in the executive of the Diocesan Medical Commission.


Church Planting-Outreaches

The society liases with the church Missionary Society in church planting activities in line with our mission to evangelize through Health. Medical outreaches are undertaken to new church to preach the word of God, give free treatment to villagers to encourage the stay in these churches. The villages visited regularly include Lamgbasa, Akodo, Poka Norforija, Iji, Magbon  Alade, Takwabay, Apapa, Ilogbo.


Good Neighbourliness

The clinic attends to an average of 40 patients weekly, who are neighbours of the church including those of other faiths. Visits to orphanages, handicapped children and Old People’s Home with useful gifts, entertainment and ministration are part of our activities.



Service of the Cathedral

The clinic is open daily to staff of the cathedral, on Tuesdays & Thursdays to neighbours and on Sundays to parishioners. Average weekly attendance is 50 with parishioners constituting 50%. Conditions managed include various emergencies, Hypertension, Diabetes, eye problems, malaria, gastroenteritis, skin disorders, upper respiratory tract infections etc. Members are always at hand to give emergency treatment during church services.
The society gives monthly health talks to the women bible class and some societies in the Cathedral. Annual Health talks on topics mandated by the diocesan medical commission from a part of our anniversary celebrations in 2003, the society contributed to the fund for the pilling of the Cathedral church house. The society also contributed to the church of Nigeria endowment fund.



The society is a member of Christian Health Association of Nigeria (CHAN) and Action Committee on Aids (PACA).


Clinic Activities & Supplies

The clinic has 3 permanent staff, a social Welfare Officer, a Nurse and a clerk. Records of patients seen in the past year stand at 4,269. Parishioners who are Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Social Workers and Evangelists are purchased by the church supported by many parishioners who are friends of the clinic.
The clinic certified by Lagos State Ministry of Health and it is well equipped for its functions.



Members meet monthly to review activities and support each other socially, psychologically and professionally.



Continue to restore, quicken
Soothe and bless with
Thy Almighty Breath
The hands that work
The eyes that see and
The feet that trod in thy yard. Amen.