Attending a Cathedral Service
If you’re new to attending church, find out what happens at the Cathedral service.

You do not have to be a Christian to come to worship with us. You can join in with us as much as you are able to do. Our hope for you is that you may encounter and be transformed by the presence of God in Jesus Christ.



Before you arrive


For our services, you do not need your personal hymn or liturgy books – you can just turn up as you are. Although many people like to dress smartly to attend church, there is no requirement to do so: please simply wear clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for a place of worship.



Through the doors


Most of our services happen in the main auditorium, and seating is generally unreserved. Most people tend to join us in the center aisle, as this is closer to the service, however sitting in the Bishop side or Odunlami side gives you more opportunity to leave a service without disturbing those around you.


A steward will greet you and can give you an order of service booklet, which explains what will happen in the service.


At some services there may be an opportunity to sit in the Lady Chapel, and this will be made clear by an announcement made prior to the start of the service.


Once you have found your seat, you are asked to remain in your seat and not to wander around the Cathedral - this is in order to maintain a prayerful atmosphere as people around you prepare to worship. It is for this reason that photography and filming without permission are not allowed during services.

During the service


Every service has an order of service in the bulletin, which will guide you from beginning to end of each service. Here, you will find cues for when to sit and stand, and when to join in with the prayers – however it’s up to you as to whether you join in with the congregation.


During the Eucharist, the congregation will be invited to share in the bread and wine. If you are a confirmed anglicanreceive communion in your own church, you are welcome to receive communion here.


If you do not normally receive communion, you are invited to come forward and receive a blessing, or you can remain in your seat if you wish. You can find more information about individual services by exploring the calendar on the Worship with Us page.



After the service


At the end of the service, please follow the directions of our stewards and wandsmen to exit the building. You are invited to make a donation as you leave, though there is no expectation to do so. There are normally baskets as you leave to place your donation in, or you can give at the tap-to-donate machines located by the doors.