Today at the Cathedral
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Tue 15th Oct 2024
6:45 am
The Holy Communion, known also as the Lord's Supper, represents the greatest expression of God's love for His people. Two items are used in the Holy Communion—the bread which represents Jesus' body that was scourged and broken before and during His crucifix and the Wine which represents His blood that was shed on the cross to wash away our sins.
Tue 15th Oct 2024
06:00 pm
Choir practice significantly enhances musical talent of the choristers. By diligently rehearsing, choir members can improve their vocal skills, learn to harmonize with others, and refine their ability to interpret and perform music.
Faith Statement
We envision all men everywhere fulfilling and walking in the fullness of God’s plan for their lives
We are Making disciples of all nations
Our vision is to foster a spiritually vibrant community marked by honesty, faithfulness, joy, and authentic love. As the leading cathedral, we aim to set the benchmark for evangelism and preaching, inspiring other churches to follow suit.

We are committed to Leveraging modern multimedia tools, we seek to reach out effectively to the diverse population of Lagos, particularly those in the bustling Central Business District. Through proactive outreach efforts and steadfast prayer, we strive to extend our services to all members of the community, embracing inclusivity and demonstrating unwavering faith in God's guidance.
To have a spiritually filled congregation where true love reigns
Our aim is to nurture a spiritually enriched congregation where the essence of true love prevails, perpetually extending our outreach to teach and preach the gospel, endeavoring to transform all individuals into committed disciples of Christ.

To cultivate a spiritually vibrant community characterized by honesty, faithfulness, joy, and genuine love. As the foremost cathedral, we aspire to lead by example in evangelism and preaching, inspiring other churches to follow our commitment to spiritual growth.
You can talk to someone no matter what the challenge is.

There are competent spiritual leaders willing to speak with you at any time. Dont keep it all in, speak to someone now.

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Weekly Spiritual Tonic
Our weekly dose of God's blessings
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

Heavenly Father, as I go into this new week; help me to trust in You in all I do and be the Shepherd of my life. Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, that no plan of the enemy may prosper over my life. Guard and guide my heart so that every decision and steps I take shall be by Your Spirit, to Your glory and for my restoration, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Send a prayer request
If you are unable to attend the Cathedral in person, we invite you to send your prayers for inclusion in our daily worship.
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Share your testimony
Volunteer to share your stories of the goodness of God in your life. Through your stories, you may encourage others to make a decision to turn to God through Jesus Christ
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