Brief Profile: Service to the Cathedral: Born on 21st March 1970. I was the Immediate Past Secretary of - the Standing Committee, Member & Past Secretary of - the Guild of Stewards, Served in the Cathedral Torch Bearers as General Secretary, Social Secretary, Ex-Officio and currently the Chairman of the Welfare Sub-Committee. A Past V/Chairman of the Cathedral Membership Sub-Committee and Cultural Harvest 2013. Member of Men’s Bible Class. Served as Member- “By the Lagoon” Editorial Board. Member of a few Ad-Hoc Sub-Committees and rendered a few voluntary services in the Cathedral Church of Christ Marina-Lagos. He is Married and blessed with an adorable son.


Why Serve: I want to contribute positively to the Growth and development of the Cathedral Church, which is also in line with fulfilling my promise and desire always to serve HIM.



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