Sun 2 Mar 2014

This is the fast of forty days before Easter and is regarded as a time of penitence. The penitential character is reflected in various features of the liturgy. The period is also observed as a time of penance by abstention from festivities, by almsgiving and by devoting more time than usual to religious exercises.

Our theme for Lent this year is THE 'I AM' SAYINGS OF JESUS and we shall be treating it as follows:

5th March, Ash Wednesday - Before Abraham was I am - John 8:58

12th March, 2nd Wed. in Lent - I am the bread of life - John 6:35,48,51

19th March, 3rd Wed. in Lent - I am the light of the world - John 8:12

26th March, 4th Wed. in Lent - I am the door of the sheep - John 10:7,9

2nd April, 5th Wed. in Lent - I am the good shepherd -  John 10:11,14

9th April, 6th Wed. in Lent - I am the resurrection and the life - John 11:25