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Bible Study
The Path of Truth
22 Apr, 2024.


SUB-THEME: The Narrow way 1

TOPIC: The Path of Truth

TEXT: Luke 19:2-10


i. to discuss the narrow way in the context of a sincere heart of repentance,

ii. to torch-light the attributes of a truthful Christian and

iii. to encourage believers to stay on the path of truth.


Our study text today opens our eyes to the attitude of a truthful person. Zacchaeus did not hide his past sinful life; instead, he confessed them and resolved to change to the path of truth. Not only did Zacchaeus see the error of his ways, but also he had a total change of heart. He no longer wanted to live a dishonest life, because he came to know and believe in Jesus. In the narrow path, the believer does not live the way he wants. It is the way of truth. Our study guides will reveal to us how we can stay on this path in our Christian race to God’s kingdom.


1. In the context of Zacchaeus’ story, how can you explain the way of truth to an unbeliever? Compare Luk 19:8-9 and Joh 8:32.

2. What is the biblical instruction concerning truth for the Christians in Eph.4:21-25?.

3. What are the challenges that keep us from the path of truth as Christians in our generation? Discuss in the context of Mark 6:16-18.

4. Analyse some motivations or rewards for a child of God on the path of truth. Ps 15:1-3; 24:3- 5; Joh 14:6.

CONCLUSION: Only the truth in Christ can set us free from the bondage of Satan and sin. When Zacchaeus truthfully confessed his sinful past, he was set free. Therefore, standing on and for the truth for a Christian should not be an option, but the norm.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If it is not the truth, it is not the way.

MEMORY VERSE: Joh 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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